Please read the parent notification attached for more information about the FAST Reading Progress Monitoring.
Please click the link below to register for the testing sessions listed.
Paper- based review material is available by clicking the link below.
General information for students and families about testing can be found by clicking the link below.
College Board Testing
Accommodations: (Accommodations for College Board and ACT Testing ARE NOT AUTOMATIC. Even if your student has a 504 Plan or IEP - you MUST Apply with the correct organization to get the accommodations approved with them). The school can apply on your behalf with a consent form (also attached here - one for College Board and one for ACT).
More info for students and Parents:
College Board (PSAT/SAT/AP Exams):
How to Link Your PSAT or SAT to Khan Academy to Create a Personalized Study Plan:
ACT Testing
ACT (This link covers all the various ACT tests). Our School Day Non-College Reportable Tests are conducted by VBHS Faculty/Staff. Weekend Testing is all orchestrated directly with ACT and VBHS is simply a testing site.
Testing Dates:

Any students that need to pay for school day testing please use the online payment system by clicking the link below.
Online Payment System